Mastering Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap
By Jacqueline Miller
Read moreThe process of arranging , managing or directing a person or organizations financial activities is known as financial management .It involves managing debt ,creating budget , set goals ,invest and many more .It give you many benefits that effect your all life and your financial well-being.Effective management help you to achieve your goals .Good management give you relief from stress related to money .It also also help you acheive financial independence and give you opportunity to live your life according to your dreams
Follow these following tipsFirst you measure your monthly income that come from all sources including salary ,from side job you do ,rental income and so on .Make list of all your expenses it include both fixed expenses and variable expenses . Distinguish between the expenses you want and you need .The expenses that is essential to you is your need and the expenses that is not essential to you is you want .This will help you to spend your income on essential and urgent things .And also calculate how much you save from your income for emergency ,retirement and other financial goals .Your budget should be flexible that if some unexpected expenses come so that you can adjust your budget easily .Keep checking your spending throughout the month to make sure that you are staying with your income .You can also use budgeting app and tools for check your budget .To determine how much amount you left exclude your all expenses and savings from your total income.When you are creating budget it help you to manage your finance effectively and you will be able to achieve your finical goals easily .It give you analysis of your income, savings ,expenses and assist you to make best decision about your income .
Make list of all your along with the the amount that remains and the payment you need each month and interest rate of all of your debt .Then apply debt snowball strategy and focus first on the debt with smallest balance .Pay more amount rather thin minimum amount it will help you to pay principal debt quickly and reduce the payment of interest throughout time . Find way to decrease your expenses and then you have more money to pay debt .This include those expenses which are not essential or finding inexpensive expenses.Try to negotiate with the debtors to reduce interest rate on your debt it is possible that you could pay your debt sooner if interest rate is low .In case you receive a bonus or funds not spend them on purchasing non- essential items use them to pay off your debt .Debt repayment demand time and patience .Stay devoted to your debt repayment whatever difficulty you may face .If you have more debts with high interest rate try to combine them in a single loan to decrease your interest rate this will be beneficial for you to manage your debt more easily because it reduce the total amount of interest paid .
Invest wisely help you to take good decision about your and your future generation .When you invest wisely in some thing you may relieve your self from financial stress and issues.So wehen you start investing do research about those things in which you want to invest .Seek advice from experts if you are beginner in markets they will properly guide you .Before investing test your risk tolerance and analyze yourself completely that how much loss you can bear .You can evaluate yourself through apps and banking institution they ask you some questions that examine the rate of your risk tolerance and you can also done it by yourself .If you are newbie try to invest in small things in which risk is low until you cannot become experienced in this market .Dont take emotionally decision in investing so when you decide to investing thik carefully .Devesify your money in different things like real estate ,bonds and stocks it will lessen your risk it can help you to reduce risk loss due to market changes .When you invest in something don't fear from market short time fluctuations and be consistent with your decision dont change your decision quickly .
Emergency fund is impotant to managing your finance .It give you safety from some unpredictable expense or situations . Allocate some amount from your income for it Try to save amount in which you manageyour expense three to six month for emergency fund .If you feel difficult to save huge amount in one time then you can save from less amount and gradually you collect your desirable amount .To make easy for yourself automate transfer your savings set your limit that how much amount you want to save in your savings account then bank will deduct this amount from your income by automating you make sure that you are constantly save for emergency fund.Keep your emergency fund account from your other savings accounts to prevent intermixing .If you need to use emergency fund then try to refill it quickly .Try to avoid spend on unnecessary items or products and then save this money in your emergency fund . If you receive extra money rather then your income then try to add it in your emergency fund . Regularly review your emergency fund to know that you are constantly saving for your emergency funds and adjust it if some situations change. Having an emergency fund gives you peace of mind .
By keeping track of your spending helps you to find patterns to make wise financial decision and what steps you do to obtain your financial goals .It is an important step in managing finance . Save your all purchasing receipts it can facilitate you to know on which things you spend.Many apps are available that help you to track your spending.These apps analyze about what you spend and also give you information about your saving habits or behavior. Frequently review your bank and debit card statements to know about your spending. Find unnecessary expenses or those you can live without them and reduce them.You can make spread sheet to track your spending and list your expenses and categorize them where you spending the most .Set your spending limits for different things then track your spending related to these limits. Regularly review your spending tracker and spread sheet to identify where you can make changes and also figure out way to reduce spending and do saving.Use cash instead of cards to inform about your spending.Because if you are using cards you are not aware about your spending and some tax may be applied if you are using cards and you are not aware of this .
Decide how many times you review your finance it might be weekly , monthly and annually depending on your preferences and financial goals . Collect all of your documents including bank statements credit card statements,investment account statements and bills.Then track your spending you make list of your spending and figure out those expenses on which you spend more. Then make a comparison between your spending and your budget amount and categorize the expense on which you spend more and expenses on which you spend less and adjust your budget according to it. Also review your investment progress to evaluate your investing is suitable according to your risk tolerance and financial goal .Review your left debt amount and interest rate to check that you are on your path to pay off your debt and there is another chances to merge them .Determine your net worth by excluding your liabilities from your assets it can help you to track your financial progress.When you review your finance you will take some actions for your future by adjust your budget increase your savings and doing strategies to increase your returns from your investment.
When you set your financial goal you can manage your finance properly because when you set your some goal you do savings to achieve your goals .So first decide about your goal it is short term mid term and long term .This will help you to track to remain on your track and measure your progress.Then determine how much amount you need to fulfill your goal it will help you to know how much you save for each month to reach your goal .If you have several goals distinguish them according to your needs and their time period .Start focus on that goal you need urgently .Break your goals into smaller goals this help you to achieve your goals easily .Life is unpredictable so be ready to adjust your goals and regularly your review and make changes if needed .Track your performance toward your goals .If you are confuse about your goals then take advice from experts they guide you properly about how to set your goals and how to achieve them .By setting your good financial goals you can build your secure future .